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Prabhupada Letters :: 1973 a.c. bhaktivedanta swami |
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![]() 25 August 2007 25 August, 1973 Bhaktivedanta Manor Dear Karandhara, Please accept my blessings. Enclosed please find one check for 18.38 dollars U.S. Please deposit this check in my investment account at the Bank of America, Culver City branch. Thank you very much. I hope this meets you in good health. Your ever well wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/bda Labels: bank, Los Angeles letters | 12:19 |24 August 2007 24 August, 1973 London My Dear Guru Gauranga and all other Paris devotees, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your nice letters dated August 18 and 19th 1973. I was very much pleased to come there and visit. Paris is developing nicely step by step. When I was at the Hotel de Ville I thought that this is better than London. So Paris is a most important city of the world. Work with great enthusiasm and make Krishna more prominent than Napoleon and Eiffel tower. I hope this letter meets you all in good health and jolly mood. Your ever well-wisher, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami. Labels: Paris letters | 12:18 |23 August 2007 Thursday, 23 August, 1973 Bhaktivedanta Manor My Dear Giriraja, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter and the nice Vyasa Puja offering you have sent. I have sent it to Satsvarupa Goswami for printing in the BTG. Writing is a very important part of our work and Satsvarupa is always anxious to have new material from the devotees for expanding the BTG. You have a nice talent for writing, practice makes perfect, so continue, it will be appreciated. I hope this letter finds you well. Your ever well wisher A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS:hda letters | 12:17 | 23 August, 1973 Bhaktivedanta Manor My Dear Tamala Krishna, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 16th August 1973. So the Hyderabad situation should be cautiously dealt with and Mr. Pittie should be consulted. When the final agreement is made send me a copy and if I approve then I shall send you the power of attorney. Herewith please find fixed deposit certificate xerox copy for 143,727.78 which is equal to 10 Lakhs Rs/., now deposited with First National City Bank in the name of ISKCON on the 20th August 1973. So you can utilize this xerox certificate that we have money. I will send you further certificate of deposit in the bank for 161,000.00 equivalent to 12 Lakhs Rs/. So I think Mr. Vakhil will be convinced about our financial position and we have got 50 branches in the U.S. alone, so if required we can raise immediately 50 Lakhs Rs/. but we do not wish to block the money unnecessarily especially in India. So at any moment 12 Lakhs Rs/. can be paid to Mrs. Nair without any difficulty. From here I have got my program in Europe up to 15th September. I have got my program in Stockholm also 5th to 9th September. So most probably I shall go to Japan on the 15th September directly from London. If in the meantime the Nair affair is fixed up then I shall carry the money with me and go to Japan via India. Find herewith 2 xerox copies about our financial position, you can do the needful. I hope this letter meets you well. Your ever well wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami N.B. I have received one complaint from Indian devotee at Mayapur, Prabharupa Das Brahmacari, that he is mal treated by our American devotees. Kindly inquire into this matter and do the needful. Either Indian or foreign whoever joins us they are not under any obligation, our only tie is Love of Godhead. It should be our definite policy that nobody is ill treated that he may go away. We recruit a person to join us after spending gallons of blood. Everyone comes for reformation, you cannot expect everyone to be perfect, rather it is our duty to make everyone perfect as far as possible. So we shall be very much cautious and careful in this connection. Labels: bank, Bombay, disagreements, itinerary letters | 12:17 |21 August 2007 21 August, 1973 Bhaktivedanta Manor My Dear Tamala Krishna, Please accept my blessings. Please immediately send me the names and addresses of all the foreign devotees in India. Please also their passport numbers and nationality. I am just now speaking with His Excellency The High Commissioner Rasgotra Maharaja Krishin and he has promised to help us with the devotees who are being harassed by the Indian authorities. I hope this letter meets you well. Your ever well wisher A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS:hda letters | 12:16 | 20 August 2007 20 August, 1973 England My dear Sukadeva, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter and the enclosed pictures of your Altar. Everything appears very very nice and I am very much pleased, thank you so much. On your recommendation I accept the boys named by you for first initiation. Their names are as follows: D.A. Norton Jr. - Abhinanda Das N.P. Coty - Nistula Das G.J. Folsy - Simha Das S.D. Kadetz - Sura Das R.E. Smith - Ragamathani Dasi D.A. Gilles - Samharina Dasi P.J. Walter - Vidhatri Dasi T.L. Joyce - Tripuramalini Dasi Hold a fire ceremoney, and distribute sumptuous prasadam to one and all. I hope this letter meets you in good health. Your ever well wisher, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Labels: initiation, Seattle letters | 12:15 |19 August 2007 Sunday, 19 August, 1973 Bhaktivedanta Manor My Dear Meenakatan, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated August 14, 1973 and I have noted the contents carefully. Yes you may return to India I have no objection. We very much need workers in India, so if you go there that will be nice. I hope this letter meets you well. Your ever well wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS:hda N.B. Regarding your Problem; you should know by now that if you break one of the four regulative principles then you cannot advance. Advancement is possible only by sincere chanting of the Holy Name. So what can I say, you chant and be determined not to engage in this sinful activity again. But there is no use in writing to me that you are doing something sinful and then you continue to do it on some plea. Stop sinful life and be Krishna Conscious, that's all. Labels: regulative principles, Toronto letters | 10:52 |19 August, 1973 Bhaktivedanta Manor My Dear Modan Mohan Mohini, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated August 13, 1973. I thank you very much for your kind sentiments. To be a fool before the Spiritual Master is a very good qualification. It is not a good qualification to be over intelligent before the Spiritual Master. Even Lord Caitanya presented himself as a fool before his spiritual master. Hamsaduta is GBC for your zone and if you have any questions you may inquire from him. I hope this letter meets you in good health. Your ever well wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS:hda Labels: Berlin, GBC, spiritual master letters | 10:51 |19 August, 1973 Bhaktivedanta Manor My Dear Bhavananda and Jayapataka, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated August 4, 1973 and I have noted the contents carefully. From your report it appears that everything is progressing very nicely. What can I say? I am so much indebted to all you nice American boys and girls for helping me to execute the order of my Guru Maharaja, may Krishna bless you. I hope this letter meets you both well. Your ever well wisher A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami N.B. Please send me regular reports fortnightly. You have not written anything about Sanitary & electricity accomplishment. I guess everything is stopped for want of cement. ACBS:hda Labels: construction, Mayapur letters | 10:49 | |
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