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Prabhupada Letters :: 1973 a.c. bhaktivedanta swami |
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![]() 31 January 2007 Wednesday, 31 January, 1973 Calcutta My dear Sri Govinda das, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated January 15, 1973, and I have noted the contents with great interest. It is so very nice to hear how the book distribution is going on. This is our main business, distributing these books all over the world and thus turning the minds of the fallen souls towards Krsna. So far the court case is concerned, I shall be interested to hear the outcome. So you may keep me informed. But always remember that Krsna is the Supreme Controller of all that be. I am desiring now to stay six months of the year in Los Angeles and six months in Mayapur, spending my time solely for the translation of Srimad Bhagavatam and other books so that I may give them to you, my sincere disciples. So it will be better arrangement now if my disciples can take up the management and active preaching. For this purpose I have created so many sannyasis. So as far as possible, try to arrange preaching programs with them as I prefer to remain now in the background translating my books. I am glad to hear that you are taking up the program of deity worship very seriously. This is required. So everything should be first class as you have got full facility, just to the standard of Los Angeles. In Los Angeles I personally advised them in all the different aspects of deity worship, so you may consult, especially with Silavati Prabhu (now in Dallas) and do the needful. One thing though, the deity worship must be completely pure in terms of cleanliness and punctuality, otherwise there will be some offense. Regarding the Radha-Krsna Deities for Chicago, I believe that Syamasundara. Prabhu is taking care of this matter so you may consult with him about the shipping date of the deities, etc. You say that you are collecting sizeable funds from incense sale and book distribution, so I expect that you will also increase your payments to my book fund as much as possible. This will be very very pleasing to me, as I am most concerned that these books of mine be printed profusely and distributed all over the world as each book has so much potency for making persons Krsna conscious. So as Chicago is one of the largest cities in the U.S., why not see if you can be the largest contributor to my book fund, although I think that you have got some stiff competition from Los Angeles branch. But if you can beat them, that will be very first class. I am going some time this week to Australia and shall be returning to India in March, at which time we shall hold the celebration on the appearance day of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu in Mayapura. So similarly in Chicago you may have very nice celebration on that day, as it is very important occasion for us Gaudiya Vaisnavas. Hoping this meets you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/bmdg Labels: book distribution, deities, itinerary letters | 04:20 |31 January, 1973 Calcutta My dear Rajiblocan das, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated December 20, 1972, and I have noted the contents carefully. As you are temple president, that is a great responsibility. So you must try to execute it with great care. The main thing is that you must set nice example for the others by following very rigidly the regulative principles, such as chanting 16 rounds on the beads, reading the books, getting up to attend mangala aratrika, etc. In this way everyone shall be encouraged. We must be so careful to train the devotees nicely. Now they have come from the realm of maya to Krsna's place, so it is our duty to keep them there, not that they shall again fall victim of maya. Regarding the question of your wife's initiation, that is certainly approved by me. You may arrange with Kirtanananda Maharaja for receiving beads duly chanted upon by him. Now both of you cooperate for pushing on this Krsna Consciousness movement as this is our only business in this human form of life. I hope this finds you in good health, Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/bmdg Labels: initiation, management letters | 04:19 |31 January, 1973 Calcutta My dear Gunagrahi das, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated January 5, 1973, and I have noted the contents carefully. Krsna Consciousness means always increasing, so I am glad to see that you are remaining enthusiastic to push on this Krsna Consciousness movement more and more. Your request for initiation is approved by me, and I have sent a letter in this regard. You are president of Buffalo temple, so in consultation with your GBC man you may discuss how to push on the spreading of this Krsna Consciousness movement through street sankirtana, book distribution, etc., whatever is practical for you to follow. In regard to preaching the glories of the Lord there are no hard and fast rules, we must simply always remain ourself fixed in Krsna Consciousness and then Krsna will give us the good guidance how to push things on. So since Rupanuga Maharaja is coming there you may discuss with him. I am desiring now to turn over the management of the society to my disciples, the temple presidents and GBC men especially, so cooperatively you may work out the management details. Regarding initiation, you may arrange with Kirtanananda Maharaja to receive beads chanted upon by him. I am going now to Australia for a few weeks and shall afterward be returning to India for celebrating the appearance day of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu at Mayapur. Hoping this finds you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/bmdg Labels: initiation, management letters | 04:19 |29 January 2007 Monday, 29 January, 1973 Calcutta My dear Sukadeva das, I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 1/8/73, and I have noted the contents with satisfaction. Thank you very much for your kind sentiments. This attitude of serving first the spiritual master is the correct one, for only by the mercy of the spiritual master can one obtain the mercy of Krsna. Just as we sing every morning yasya prasadad bhagavad-prasado yasya prasada na gatih kuto ‘pi, in this way the disciple advances more and more in understanding God. So if you simply execute with full faith the instructions that I have already given you, then you will see so many people will be sent by Krsna to become devotees because of your sincerity. So as you are my appointed leader, you must also see that the others are following very strictly the regulative principles like chanting 16 rounds, reading my books regularly, rising early for mangala aratrika, these things will keep us purified for advancing more and more in Krsna Consciousness. So far your request for initiations for Patrick and Jane, that is approved by me. So far the infant is concerned, let him wait until he is older. You may receive the beads chanted upon by Kirtanananda Maharaja and hold the fire sacrifice. Concerning the second initiations for Ojasir das Brahmacari, Smaranananda das Adhikary and his wife Samsaramochan Devi Dasi, that is also approved, and you will find enclosed the Gayatri threads. So hold the fire yajna and for those who are initiated as brahmanas, teach them how to count on the finger divisions, and play the Gayatri mantra tape in their right ear and have them repeat it along with my vibration word for word, then hang sacred thread on his neck as usual. Girls don’t require thread but can responsively chant the Gayatri mantra. In each individual case the instruction should be given and the mantra replayed. The giving of the Gayatri mantra can be held after the fire yajna and each devotee can come alone to you to receive the thread. Yes, the spiritual master is also present in his picture, though more importantly he is present in his teachings. I think this is explained in one letter that has already been distributed. If you have further questions try to get them resolved by your GBC man, Karandhar, because now I wish to spend all of my time for translating my books like Srimad-Bhagavatam, so I may give them to you. Thank you very much for assisting me in this way. Hope this finds you in good health. Your ever well wisher, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ABCS/bmdg Labels: initiation, spiritual master letters | 04:18 |29 January, 1973 Calcutta My dear Amogha das, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated January 18, 1973, and I have noted the contents with great interest. It is so nice you are arranging our preaching program there in Indonesia. So I have left it to Madhudvisa Swami to arrange the dates of the program there. But one thing is, you should not arrange more than one program per day, and that program should either be in the morning or after 5:00 at night. I want to finish this traveling very shortly and settle down to translate my books. So I am counting on you boys and girls to push on this movement and preach vigorously all over the world, and we shall be successful. As far as the dates of the programs, that you must arrange with Madhudvisa Swami as we shall be coming to Indonesia via Australia and New Zealand and then shall be returning to Calcutta by March 1 for beginning preparations for our Mayapur function. So I shall be looking forward very much to seeing you shortly, and at that time we may discuss things at further length. Hoping this finds you well, Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/bmdg Labels: Australasia letters | 04:17 |29 January, 1973 Calcutta Chandigarh Dear Ram Prashad, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated January 10, 1973, and I have noted the contents. I am sorry to note that you have not yet received your life membership cards or receipt as yet. I have sent your letter to Bombay and directed the President, Sriman Tulasi dasa, to immediately send you the same. Our Bombay Hare Krsna Festival has been a grand success. More than 15,000 people attended each night and joined in the kirtana and arati, and listened very attentively to my discourses. At the end of the last day seven young men, two from Europe and 5 from India, shaved their heads as brahmacaris and have joined us full time. People are eager for Krsna consciousness, when it is given in its pure form. I am leaving for Australia by 2nd February to visit our ISKCON center there and I shall be returning in March to officially open the first residential block of our World Headquarters at Sridhama Mayapur, District Nadia, West Bengal. Hoping this meets you well, Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Labels: festivals, India, itinerary letters | 04:15 |29 January, 1973 Calcutta My Dear Ksirodakasayi, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 7 january 1973, and have noted the contents with great care. Thank you very much for the information enclosed. There is no difference between brahmacari, grhastha, vanaprastha, and sannyasi. Simply grhastha means that he lives outside the temple with wife, that is the only difference. Otherwise, grhastha must follow the same regulative principles and remain fully engaged in the temple activities. There in London we have such big field for pushing on the preaching work, so I want that you should assist the other devotees there as much as possible and cooperate very closely for helping me in this way. These temples, they are just like oasis in the desert for the conditioned souls to quench the thirst of their desire for real happiness. So they must be organized as nicely as possible, and I know you have many talents which can be put to good use. So in cooperation with Dhananjaya and Syamasundara. Prabhu, let us work together. You may assist me in this way and I shall be very much pleased upon you. Krsna says in the Bhagavad-gita that anyone who surrenders unto Me, whether a woman, sudra, vaisya, etc., they all attain the highest perfection of bhakti-yoga, not that now I am grhastha, I am doing karma-yoga, or now I am vanaprastha, I am doing sankhya-yoga, this is all nonsense. So if you read my books, this is explained in so many places that by taking to the path of pure bhakti all the other yogas are achieved automatically because bhakti is the culmination of yoga and the highest perfection of life. Yet at the same time it is very simple and sublime. So I am your spiritual master, it is my obligation to answer any questions that you may have. So please send the tape and I shall reply. Hope this finds you in good health, Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Labels: grhastha, philosophy, preachers letters | 04:15 |28 January 2007 Sunday, 28 January, 1973 ISKCON Calcutta My Dear Palika Devi, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 1/17/73 and have noted the contents with great care. You may be pleased to know that your husband has now taken sannyasa order of life for preaching the message of Lord Caitanya. Similarly you have gone alone to Hyderabad for pushing on the preaching work and I am very glad to hear that you have arrived safely. Regarding the two girls from America, I have no objection to them coming to assist you if they agree. It would be good service for all of them, especially Kalindi has suffered some difficulty since her husband has taken sannyasa. But I know that you are very strong in Krsna Consciousness. So very strictly now maintain our principles by chanting 16 rounds on the beads, reading our books, working in every second of your life for serving Krsna. this sincere attitude will make you more and more advance and one day Krsna will reveal Himself to you face to face. Hoping this finds you well and in happy mood, Your ever well-wisher, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Labels: sannyasa letters | 04:13 |28 January, 1973 Calcutta My dear Krsnandini Devi Dasi, Please accept my blessings. I be to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 9/25/72, which has just now been forwarded to me from Vrindaban. So there has been some delay. Please do not be disturbed. So for the time being you may call the baby Bhakta Gaura, and then initiated can take place when she is grown more, not now. So you are my initiated disciple, and I must instruct you to be sure to always follow the regulative principles like chanting 16 rounds on the beads daily, reading my books, eating only prasadam, and in every way trying to serve Krsna. This will keep you purified and help you to advance more and more in spiritual life. So try as much as possible to associate with our devotees and to bring up your baby firmly in Krsna Consciousness. This will be the success of your life. I hope this finds you in good health, Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/bmdg Labels: initiation letters | 04:13 |28 January, 1973 Calcutta My dear Hladini Devi Dasi, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated January 1, 1973, and I have noted the contents with great pleasure. It is so nice to see how enthusiastic you are in executing this process of devotional service and how much you like your engagement there in New Vrindaban. So you continue in this way, always thinking of Krsna, chanting 16 rounds, reading the books, and doing your daily chores all on behalf of Krsna. As your devotional service becomes mature you shall see Krsna more and more, and more and more you shall realize the qualities of the holy land of Vraja. This modern civilization is always artificial. You are actually learning in New Vrindaban the self-sufficient mode of living, simple living, high thinking, that is our policy. As long as Krsna remains in the center of all these activities, then you are actually in Vrindaban. And the more you please the Deities there with your service, the more they shall reciprocate by bestowing upon you love for Sri Sri Radha Krsna. So I am always looking forward to coming back to New Vrindaban, and I remember very fondly the sandesh, milk, and other nice products that the devotees are preparing there. Thank you very much. Hoping this finds you well, Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/bmdg Labels: deities, philosophy letters | 04:12 |28 January, 1973 Calcutta Dear Hillel Ben-Ami, I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter, undated, and I have noted the contents very carefully. Thank you very much for your kind sentiments. Now try and understand our philosophy very carefully by reading all of our books, such as Bhagavad-gita As It Is, Srimad-Bhagavatam, Nectar of Devotion, Teachings of Lord Caitanya, and there are so many others. In addition, please follow the regulative principles very rigidly, such as chanting daily 16 rounds on the beads, attending classes, getting up for mangala aratrika. These regulative principles will make us very strong in Krsna Consciousness and very rapidly we can advance in this way. So under the direction of the senior devotees there try and become fixed in your devotional service to the Lord, Sri Krsna, and this will certainly bring complete satisfaction to you and make you eligible for going back to home, back to Godhead, in this very lifetime. Hoping this finds you well, Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/bmdg Labels: regulative principles letters | 04:11 |28 January, 1973 Calcutta My dear Thakura Haridasa, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 15th January, 1973, and I have noted the contents carefully. It is very nice to see that you are so enthusiastic for assisting me in pushing on this Krsna Consciousness movement. That is very nice. Now make sure you chant the 16 rounds every day on the beads, attend the classes, and follow all the regulative principles very rigidly. This will make you more and more advanced. In addition everything must be executed with great enthusiasm. You must be very enthusiastic to serve Krsna. You have asked many questions, but for this question-answering I have created 12 GBC men. The GBC man in your zone is Karandhara. So you may please consult with him, and whatever he decides, that is all right. I am now desiring to utilize my time only for translating these books like Srimad-Bhagavatam so that I can give them to you, my disciples. So if the management is taken over by the GBC, in cooperation with the temple presidents and the other devotees, then I will be free for this purpose, and I shall be very much indebted to you all. So the general policy is that for brahminical initiation the candidate is recommended first by the temple president or GBC man, then it is considered. So please continue your book distributing very enthusiastically. This shall please me very much. And please try and work cooperatively with the other devotees for pushing on this great movement of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Hoping this finds you well, Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/bmdg Labels: book distribution, GBC letters | 04:11 |28 January, 1973 Calcutta My dear Nayanabhirama, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 1/1/73 and have noted the contents with great pleasure. It is so nice to hear how your wife Daivisakti Devi Dasi is distributing so many books and collecting big big donations for the Lord. This is very very pleasing to me, as our book distribution and collecting of funds is so much important for pushing on this movement. So if all of the devotees in New York can collect like that, at least $100 daily, then very shortly you will have enough funds for getting that big skyscraper for use as the world headquarters of our Krsna Consciousness movement. Regarding the activities of the Vaikuntha Players, it is very nice to hear that you are taking information from our Srimad-Bhagavatam and Krsna Book for presenting everything very authoritatively, without any deviation from the sastras. Yes, one or two of the girls may learn this Indian dance technique, but we cannot take too much endeavor for such things. If they can do it without too much trouble that is all right. Now you continue executing your Krsna Conscious activities, chanting 16 rounds, studying our books, going on sankirtana, worshiping the deity, etc., and in this way you will become advanced more and more. Also as you are senior devotee you must set a nice example for the others to follow. Here also in India we are making drama, and at our Bombay Pandal on the last evening we had one drama about Krsna and the gopis in which the gopis gave the dust of their feet for curing Krsna's headache. This was very much appreciated by the audience. So in this way we can present the philosophy of Krsna Consciousness very nicely for everyone to relish. I will now be going to Australia for one month and shall be returning to Mayapur for the occasion of Lord Caitanya's Appearance Day. So there in New York you may make some nice program for glorifying Lord Caitanya and His Associates on that auspicious occasion. Hoping this finds you and your good wife in good health, Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/bmdg Labels: art, book distribution, India letters | 04:10 |28 January, 1973 Calcutta My Dear Kirtanananda Swami, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 10 January 1973, and I have noted the contents with great pleasure. I can see that Krsna is giving you more and more facility for developing this New Vrindaban scheme. So this is very nice. I am very pleased that you have acquired some more cows. In Mayapur also we have some cows now. So you are the manager there, and in cooperation with the GBC men it is up to you to see that everything is developed very very nicely and that all the land is utilized properly, not that it is sitting going to waste. So once you are utilizing everything very nicely, then you may increase more and more as you like. So consult with the GBC and you may decide whether it is worthwhile to purchase more land at this time. You write that you have just returned from your second trip to Mexico City. This is very very nice, as you are sannyasi, and sannyasi means to travel and preach the message of Krsna all over the world. So you are actually doing this and Krsna will be very pleased by such activities. Also you are distributing my books. This is the most important work, as anyone who simply takes one of these books, simply by reading may be saved and turned towards Krsna Consciousness. So in cooperation with others, go on traveling, preaching, distributing my books, and this will please me very very much. Regarding your recommendations for second initiation, they may be given the sacred threads enclosed herein. As you are one of the elder members of our Society and you are sannyasi, it is your duty to see that all the devotees are following strictly the regulative principles and chanting 16 rounds, attending the classes, reading our books, and always remaining enthusiastic for executing devotional service. Everyone has got some propensity. The art of preaching is to engage that propensity in the service of Krsna. Whatever we have got, our mind, our intelligence, our possessions, our time, our energies, let them all be used in Krsna's service. So by training people in this way, this will be the success of your preaching work. We have just completed one very nice pandal program in Bombay, and every day thousands of people were gathering to hear the sannyasis preach in our Questions and Answers booth. Sometimes the people were staying past 12:00 in the evening to hear your American sannyasis preach this Krsna conscious philosophy. So we have got good audience for resounding the message of Caitanya Mahaprabhu all over the world. I am going on 2nd February to Melbourne, Australia, and then shall be returning to Mayapur for the appearance day of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. [PAGE MISSING] Labels: GBC, India, initiation, preachers letters | 04:09 | |
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